API Reference

Get Liquidation History

Method Name


Returns a paginated liquidation history for all subaccounts. Note that the pagination is based on the number of
raw events that include bids, auction start, and auction end events. This means that the count returned in the
pagination info will be larger than the total number of auction events. This also means the number of returned
auctions per page will be smaller than the supplied page_size.


end_timestamp integer
End timestamp of the event history (default current time)
page integer
Page number of results to return (default 1, returns last if above num_pages)
page_size integer
Number of results per page (default 100, max 1000)
start_timestamp integer
Start timestamp of the event history (default 0)


id string or integer required
result object required
result.auctions array of objects required
List of auction results
result.auctions[].auction_id string required
Unique ID of the auction
result.auctions[].auction_type string required
Type of auction
enum solvent insolvent
result.auctions[].end_timestamp integer or null required
Timestamp of the auction end (in ms since UNIX epoch), or null if not ended
result.auctions[].fee string required
Fee paid by the subaccount
result.auctions[].start_timestamp integer required
Timestamp of the auction start (in ms since UNIX epoch)
result.auctions[].subaccount_id integer required
Liquidated subaccount ID
result.auctions[].tx_hash string required
Hash of the transaction that started the auction
result.auctions[].bids array of objects required
List of auction bid events
result.auctions[].bids[].cash_received string required
Cash received by the subaccount for the liquidation. For the liquidated accounts this is the amount the liquidator paid to buy out the percentage of the portfolio. For the liquidator account, this is the amount they received from the security module (if positive) or the amount they paid for the bid (if negative)
result.auctions[].bids[].discount_pnl string required
Realized PnL due to liquidating or being liquidated at a discount to mark portfolio value
result.auctions[].bids[].percent_liquidated string required
Percent of the subaccount that was liquidated
result.auctions[].bids[].realized_pnl string required
Realized PnL of the auction bid, assuming positions are closed at mark price at the time of the liquidation
result.auctions[].bids[].realized_pnl_excl_fees string required
Realized PnL of the auction bid, excluding fees from total cost basis, assuming positions are closed at mark price at the time of the liquidation
result.auctions[].bids[].timestamp integer required
Timestamp of the bid (in ms since UNIX epoch)
result.auctions[].bids[].tx_hash string required
Hash of the bid transaction
result.auctions[].bids[].amounts_liquidated object required
Amounts of each asset that were closed
result.auctions[].bids[].positions_realized_pnl object required
Realized PnL of each position that was closed
result.auctions[].bids[].positions_realized_pnl_excl_fees object required
Realized PnL of each position that was closed, excluding fees from total cost basis
result.pagination object required
Pagination info
result.pagination.count integer required
Total number of items, across all pages
result.pagination.num_pages integer required
Number of pages



The above command returns JSON structured like this:
