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Get All Instruments

Method Name


Get a paginated history of all instruments


expired boolean required
If True: include expired instruments.
instrument_type string required
erc20, option, or perp
enum erc20 option perp
currency string
Underlying currency of asset (ETH, BTC, etc)
page integer
Page number of results to return (default 1, returns last if above num_pages)
page_size integer
Number of results per page (default 100, max 1000)


id string or integer required
result object required
result.instruments array of objects required
List of instruments
result.instruments[].amount_step string required
Minimum valid increment of order amount
result.instruments[].base_asset_address string required
Blockchain address of the base asset
result.instruments[].base_asset_sub_id string required
Sub ID of the specific base asset as defined in Asset.sol
result.instruments[].base_currency string required
Underlying currency of base asset (ETH, BTC, etc)
result.instruments[].base_fee string required
$ base fee added to every taker order
result.instruments[].erc20_details object or null required
Details of the erc20 asset (if applicable)
result.instruments[].erc20_details.decimals integer required
Number of decimals of the underlying on-chain ERC20 token
result.instruments[].erc20_details.borrow_index string
Latest borrow index as per CashAsset.sol implementation
result.instruments[].erc20_details.supply_index string
Latest supply index as per CashAsset.sol implementation
result.instruments[].erc20_details.underlying_erc20_address string
Address of underlying on-chain ERC20 (not V2 asset)
result.instruments[].fifo_min_allocation string required
Minimum number of contracts that get filled using FIFO. Actual number of contracts that gets filled by FIFO will be the max between this value and (1 - pro_rata_fraction) x order_amount, plus any size leftovers due to rounding.
result.instruments[].instrument_name string required
Instrument name
result.instruments[].instrument_type string required
erc20, option, or perp
enum erc20 option perp
result.instruments[].is_active boolean required
If True: instrument is tradeable within activation and deactivation timestamps
result.instruments[].maker_fee_rate string required
Percent of spot price fee rate for makers
result.instruments[].maximum_amount string required
Maximum valid amount of contracts / tokens per trade
result.instruments[].minimum_amount string required
Minimum valid amount of contracts / tokens per trade
result.instruments[].option_details object or null required
Details of the option asset (if applicable)
result.instruments[].option_details.expiry integer required
Unix timestamp of expiry date (in seconds)
result.instruments[].option_details.index string required
Underlying settlement price index
result.instruments[].option_details.option_type string required

enum C P
result.instruments[].option_details.strike string required
result.instruments[].option_details.settlement_price string or null
Settlement price of the option
result.instruments[].perp_details object or null required
Details of the perp asset (if applicable)
result.instruments[].perp_details.aggregate_funding string required
Latest aggregated funding as per PerpAsset.sol
result.instruments[].perp_details.funding_rate string required
Current hourly funding rate as per PerpAsset.sol
result.instruments[].perp_details.index string required
Underlying spot price index for funding rate
result.instruments[].perp_details.max_rate_per_hour string required
Max rate per hour as per PerpAsset.sol
result.instruments[].perp_details.min_rate_per_hour string required
Min rate per hour as per PerpAsset.sol
result.instruments[].perp_details.static_interest_rate string required
Static interest rate as per PerpAsset.sol
result.instruments[].pro_rata_amount_step string required
Pro-rata fill share of every order is rounded down to be a multiple of this number. Leftovers of the order due to rounding are filled FIFO.
result.instruments[].pro_rata_fraction string required
Fraction of order that gets filled using pro-rata matching. If zero, the matching is full FIFO.
result.instruments[].quote_currency string required
Quote currency (USD for perps, USDC for options)
result.instruments[].scheduled_activation integer required
Timestamp at which became or will become active (if applicable)
result.instruments[].scheduled_deactivation integer required
Scheduled deactivation time for instrument (if applicable)
result.instruments[].taker_fee_rate string required
Percent of spot price fee rate for takers
result.instruments[].tick_size string required
Tick size of the instrument, i.e. minimum price increment
result.instruments[].mark_price_fee_rate_cap string or null
Percent of option price fee cap, e.g. 12.5%, null if not applicable
result.pagination object required
Pagination info
result.pagination.count integer required
Total number of items, across all pages
result.pagination.num_pages integer required
Number of pages



The above command returns JSON structured like this:
