API Reference

Margin Watch

Channel Name Schema


Subscribe to state of margin and MtM of all users.

Channel Parameters

Notification Data

channel string required
Subscribed channel name
data array of objects required
data[].currency string required
Currency of subaccount
data[].initial_margin string required
Total initial margin requirement of all positions and collaterals.
data[].maintenance_margin string required
Total maintenance margin requirement of all positions and collaterals.If this value falls below zero, the subaccount will be flagged for liquidation.
data[].margin_type string required
Margin type of subaccount (PM (Portfolio Margin) or SM (Standard Margin))
enum PM SM
data[].subaccount_id integer required
data[].subaccount_value string required
Total mark-to-market value of all positions and collaterals
data[].valuation_timestamp integer required
Timestamp (in seconds since epoch) of when margin and MtM were computed.
data[].collaterals array of objects required
All collaterals that count towards margin of subaccount
data[].collaterals[].amount string required
Asset amount of given collateral
data[].collaterals[].asset_name string required
Asset name
data[].collaterals[].asset_type string required
Type of asset collateral (currently always erc20)
enum erc20 option perp
data[].collaterals[].initial_margin string required
USD value of collateral that contributes to initial margin
data[].collaterals[].maintenance_margin string required
USD value of collateral that contributes to maintenance margin
data[].collaterals[].mark_price string required
Current mark price of the asset
data[].collaterals[].mark_value string required
USD value of the collateral (amount * mark price)
data[].positions array of objects required
All active positions of subaccount
data[].positions[].amount string required
Position amount held by subaccount
data[].positions[].delta string required
Asset delta (w.r.t. forward price for options, 1.0 for perps)
data[].positions[].gamma string required
Asset gamma (zero for non-options)
data[].positions[].index_price string required
Current index (oracle) price for position's currency
data[].positions[].initial_margin string required
USD initial margin requirement for this position
data[].positions[].instrument_name string required
Instrument name (same as the base Asset name)
data[].positions[].instrument_type string required
erc20, option, or perp
enum erc20 option perp
data[].positions[].liquidation_price string or null required
Index price at which position will be liquidated
data[].positions[].maintenance_margin string required
USD maintenance margin requirement for this position
data[].positions[].mark_price string required
Current mark price for position's instrument
data[].positions[].mark_value string required
USD value of the position; this represents how much USD can be recieved by fully closing the position at the current oracle price
data[].positions[].theta string required
Asset theta (zero for non-options)
data[].positions[].vega string required
Asset vega (zero for non-options)


Subscriptions are only available via websockets.


Notification messages on this channel will look like this:
