API Reference

Register Session Key

Method Name


Register or update expiry of an existing session key.
Currently, this only supports creating admin level session keys.
Keys with fewer permissions are registered via /register_scoped_session_key


expiry_sec integer required
Expiry of the session key
label string required
Ethereum wallet address
public_session_key string required
Session key in the form of an Ethereum EOA
signed_raw_tx string required
A signed RLP encoded ETH transaction in form of a hex string (same as w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(unsigned_tx, private_key).rawTransaction.hex())
wallet string required
Ethereum wallet address of account


id string or integer required
result object required
result.label string required
User-defined session key label
result.public_session_key string required
Session key in the form of an Ethereum EOA
result.transaction_id string required
ID to lookup status of transaction



The above command returns JSON structured like this:
