API Reference

Get Erc20 Transfer History

Method Name


Get subaccount erc20 transfer history.

Position transfers (e.g. options or perps) are treated as trades. Use private/get_trade_history for position transfer history.
Required minimum session key permission level is read_only


subaccount_id integer required
Subaccount id
end_timestamp integer
End timestamp of the event history (default current time)
start_timestamp integer
Start timestamp of the event history (default 0)


id string or integer required
result object required
result.events array of objects required
List of erc20 transfers
result.events[].amount string required
Amount withdrawn by the subaccount
result.events[].asset string required
Asset withdrawn
result.events[].counterparty_subaccount_id integer required
Recipient or sender subaccount_id of transfer
result.events[].is_outgoing boolean required
True if the transfer was initiated by the subaccount, False otherwise
result.events[].timestamp integer required
Timestamp of the transfer (in ms since UNIX epoch)
result.events[].tx_hash string required
Hash of the transaction that withdrew the funds



The above command returns JSON structured like this:
