API Reference

Edit Session Key

Method Name


Edits session key parameters such as label and IP whitelist.
For non-admin keys you can also toggle whether to disable a particular key.
Disabling non-admin keys must be done through /deregister_session_key
Required minimum session key permission level is account


public_session_key string required
Session key in the form of an Ethereum EOA
wallet string required
Ethereum wallet address of account
disable boolean
Flag whether or not to disable to session key. Defaulted to false. Only allowed for non-admin keys. Admin keys must go through /deregister_session_key for now.
ip_whitelist array of strings
Optional list of whitelisted IPs, an empty list can be supplied to whitelist all IPs
label string
Optional new label for the session key


id string or integer required
result object required
result.expiry_sec integer required
Session key expiry timestamp in sec
result.label string required
User-defined session key label
result.public_session_key string required
Public session key address (Ethereum EOA)
result.scope string required
Session key permission level scope
result.ip_whitelist array of strings required
List of whitelisted IPs, if empty then any IP is allowed.



The above command returns JSON structured like this:
