Submit Order [JavaScript]
Order submission is a "self-custodial" request, a request that is guaranteed to not be alter-able by anyone except you, which means that it must past both:
- orderbook authentication (steps 1-2)
- on-chain signature verification (steps 3-4)
If you are struggling to encode data correctly, you can use the public/order_debug endpoint. The route takes in all raw inputs and returns intermediary outputs shown in the below steps.
1. Authenticate
The first step is to login via WebSocket - see the Authentication section for more:
async function signAuthenticationHeader(): Promise<{[key: string]: string}> {
const timestamp =;
const signature = await wallet.signMessage(timestamp);
return {
wallet: wallet.address,
timestamp: timestamp,
signature: signature,
const connectWs = async (): Promise<WebSocket> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ws = new WebSocket(WS_ADDRESS);
ws.on('open', () => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(ws), 50);
ws.on('error', reject);
ws.on('close', (code: number, reason: Buffer) => {
if (code && reason.toString()) {
console.log(`WebSocket closed with code: ${code}`, `Reason: ${reason}`);
async function loginClient(wsc: WebSocket) {
const login_request = JSON.stringify({
method: 'public/login',
params: await signAuthenticationHeader(),
id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
2. Define
See the WebSocket API reference for private/order
on more param documentation.
The same order can also be sent through REST, see the REST API reference for private/order
for more info.
function defineOrder(): any {
return {
instrument_name: OPTION_NAME,
subaccount_id: subaccount_id,
direction: "buy",
limit_price: 310,
amount: 1,
signature_expiry_sec: Math.floor( / 1000 + 600), // must be >5min from now
max_fee: "0.01",
nonce: Number(`${}${Math.round(Math.random() * 999)}`), // LYRA nonce format: ${CURRENT UTC MS +/- 1 day}${RANDOM 3 DIGIT NUMBER}
signer: wallet.address,
order_type: "limit",
mmp: false,
signature: "filled_in_below"
3. Sign
When a fill occurs, this signature will be verified by the on-chain Matching.sol
contract to ensure that you approved this trade.
function encodeTradeData(order: any): string {
let encoded_data = encoder.encode( // same as "encoded_data" in public/order_debug
['address', 'uint', 'int', 'int', 'uint', 'uint', 'bool'],
ethers.parseUnits(order.limit_price.toString(), 18),
ethers.parseUnits(order.amount.toString(), 18),
ethers.parseUnits(order.max_fee.toString(), 18),
order.subaccount_id, order.direction === 'buy'
return ethers.keccak256(Buffer.from(encoded_data.slice(2), 'hex')) // same as "encoded_data_hashed" in public/order_debug
async function signOrder(order: any) {
const tradeModuleData = encodeTradeData(order)
const action_hash = ethers.keccak256(
['bytes32', 'uint256', 'uint256', 'address', 'bytes32', 'uint256', 'address', 'address'],
); // same as "action_hash" in public/order_debug
order.signature = wallet.signingKey.sign(
Buffer.from("1901", "hex"),
Buffer.from(DOMAIN_SEPARATOR.slice(2), "hex"),
Buffer.from(action_hash.slice(2), "hex")
])) // same as "typed_data_hash" in public/order_debug
4. Send
You will most likely have more involved listeners, but for example purposes a built-in listener is added into the submitOrder function.
async function submitOrder(order: any, ws: WebSocket) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
method: 'private/order',
params: order,
id: id
ws.on('message', (message: string) => {
const msg = JSON.parse(message);
if ( === id) {
console.log('Got order response:', msg);
Putting it all together
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { WebSocket } from 'ws';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY as string;
const PROVIDER_URL = '';
const WS_ADDRESS = 'wss://';
const ACTION_TYPEHASH = '0x4d7a9f27c403ff9c0f19bce61d76d82f9aa29f8d6d4b0c5474607d9770d1af17';
const DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = '0x9bcf4dc06df5d8bf23af818d5716491b995020f377d3b7b64c29ed14e3dd1105';
const ASSET_ADDRESS = '0xBcB494059969DAaB460E0B5d4f5c2366aab79aa1';
const TRADE_MODULE_ADDRESS = '0x87F2863866D85E3192a35A73b388BD625D83f2be';
const PROVIDER = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(PROVIDER_URL);
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY, PROVIDER);
const encoder = ethers.AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder();
const subaccount_id = 9
const OPTION_NAME = 'ETH-20231027-1500-P'
const OPTION_SUB_ID = '644245094401698393600' // can retreive with public/get_instrument
async function signAuthenticationHeader(): Promise<{[key: string]: string}> {
const timestamp =;
const signature = await wallet.signMessage(timestamp);
return {
wallet: wallet.address,
timestamp: timestamp,
signature: signature,
const connectWs = async (): Promise<WebSocket> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ws = new WebSocket(WS_ADDRESS);
ws.on('open', () => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(ws), 50);
ws.on('error', reject);
ws.on('close', (code: number, reason: Buffer) => {
if (code && reason.toString()) {
console.log(`WebSocket closed with code: ${code}`, `Reason: ${reason}`);
async function loginClient(wsc: WebSocket) {
const login_request = JSON.stringify({
method: 'public/login',
params: await signAuthenticationHeader(),
id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
function defineOrder(): any {
return {
instrument_name: OPTION_NAME,
subaccount_id: subaccount_id,
direction: "buy",
limit_price: 310,
amount: 1,
signature_expiry_sec: Math.floor( / 1000 + 600), // must be >5min from now
max_fee: "0.01",
nonce: Number(`${}${Math.round(Math.random() * 999)}`), // LYRA nonce format: ${CURRENT UTC MS +/- 1 day}${RANDOM 3 DIGIT NUMBER}
signer: wallet.address,
order_type: "limit",
mmp: false,
signature: "filled_in_below"
function encodeTradeData(order: any): string {
let encoded_data = encoder.encode( // same as "encoded_data" in public/order_debug
['address', 'uint', 'int', 'int', 'uint', 'uint', 'bool'],
ethers.parseUnits(order.limit_price.toString(), 18),
ethers.parseUnits(order.amount.toString(), 18),
ethers.parseUnits(order.max_fee.toString(), 18),
order.subaccount_id, order.direction === 'buy']
return ethers.keccak256(Buffer.from(encoded_data.slice(2), 'hex')) // same as "encoded_data_hashed" in public/order_debug
async function signOrder(order: any) {
const tradeModuleData = encodeTradeData(order)
const action_hash = ethers.keccak256(
['bytes32', 'uint256', 'uint256', 'address', 'bytes32', 'uint256', 'address', 'address'],
); // same as "action_hash" in public/order_debug
order.signature = wallet.signingKey.sign(
Buffer.from("1901", "hex"),
Buffer.from(DOMAIN_SEPARATOR.slice(2), "hex"),
Buffer.from(action_hash.slice(2), "hex")
])) // same as "typed_data_hash" in public/order_debug
async function submitOrder(order: any, ws: WebSocket) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
method: 'private/order',
params: order,
id: id
ws.on('message', (message: string) => {
const msg = JSON.parse(message);
if ( === id) {
console.log('Got order response:', msg);
async function completeOrder() {
const ws = await connectWs();
await loginClient(ws);
const order = defineOrder();
await signOrder(order);
await submitOrder(order, ws);
Solidity Objects
SignedAction Schema
Param | Type | Description |
subaccount_id | uint | User subaccount id for the action (0 for a new subaccounts when depositing) |
nonce | uint | Unique nonce defined as <UTC_timestamp in ms><random_number_up_to_6_digits> (e.g. 1695836058725001, where 001 is the random number) |
module | address | Deposit module address (see Protocol Constants) |
data | bytes | Encoded module data ("TradeModuleData" for orders) |
expiry | uint | Signature expiry timestamp in sec |
owner | address | Wallet address of the account owner |
signer | address | Either owner wallet or session key |
TradeModuleData Schema
Param | Type | Description |
asset | address | Get with public/get_instrument (base_asset_address) |
subId | uint | Sub ID of the asset (Get from public/get_instrument endpoint) |
amount | int | Max amount willing to trade |
max_fee | uint | max fee |
recipient_id | uint | User subaccount id |
isBid | bool | Bid or Ask |
Updated 8 months ago