API Reference

Error Codes

0""No error (typically omitted from a successful response)
-32000"Rate limit exceeded"Check per IP rate limits for non-auth requests or your account details for auth requests
-32100"Number of concurrent websocket clients limit exceeded"Check per IP max concurrent clients for non-auth requests or your account details for auth requests
-32700"Parse error"Invalid JSON was received by the server.
An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.
-32600"Invalid Request"The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.
-32601"Method not found"The method does not exist / is not available.
-32602"Invalid params"Invalid method parameter(s).
-32603"Internal error"Internal JSON-RPC error.
9000"Order confirmation timeout"Order confirmation timed out but order status is unknown. Please check status of open orders.
10000"Manager not found"The requested margin type does not exist.
10001"Asset is not an ERC20 token"The requested asset is not an ERC20 token and therefore cannot be deposited/withdrawn/transferred.
10002"Sender and recipient wallet do not match"Transfers can only be made to subaccounts under the same wallet.
10003"Sender and recipient subaccount IDs are the same"Transfers can only be made to a different subaccount id.
10004"Multiple currencies not supported"Only standard margin accounts may hold assets of multiple currencies.
10005"Maximum number of subaccounts per wallet reached"Withdraw any unused subaccounts to add new ones.
10006"Maximum number of session keys per wallet reached"Deactivate any unused session keys to add new ones.
10007"Maximum number of assets per subaccount reached"Number of assets in a subaccount is limited by the on-chain constraints.
10008"Maximum number of expiries per subaccount reached"Number of expiries in a portfolio margin subaccount is limited by the on-chain constraints.
10009"Recipient subaccount ID of the transfer cannot be 0"Transfers must be made to registerred non-zero subaccounts.
10010"PMRM only supports USDC asset collateral. Cannot trade spot markets."PMRM only supports USDC asset collateral. Cannot trade spot markets.
10011"ERC20 allowance is insufficient"ERC20 allowance is insufficient for the requested action.
10012"ERC20 balance is less than transfer amount"ERC20 balance is insufficient for the requested action.
11000"Insufficient funds"Insufficient funds to place order.
11002"Order rejected from queue"Order did not reach the queue, matching engine might be down, or order was in the queue for too long.
11003"Already cancelled"Order is already cancelled.
11004"Already filled"Order is already filled.
11005"Already expired"Order is already expired.
11006"Does not exist"Order does not exist.
11007"Self-crossing disallowed"Order was rejected because it crossed with another order placed by the same user.
11008"Post-only reject"A post-only order was rejected because it would have matched with an existing order.
11009"Zero liquidity for market or IOC/FOK order"A market or an IOC/FOK order was rejected because there was no liquidity within the provided limit price.
11010"Post-only invalid order type"A post-only order was rejected because it was not a limit order.
11011"Invalid signature expiry"Order expiry is above or below the min/max validity or is beyond expiry (for options only).
11012"Invalid amount"Order amount is invalid, see data for details.
11013"Invalid limit price"Order limit price is invalid, see data for details.
11014"Fill-or-kill not filled"A fill-or-kill order was not filled.
11015"MMP frozen"An order was rejected because the market maker protections were triggered.
11016"Already consumed"Order is already consumed (Filled/expired/rejected).
11017"Non unique nonce"This nonce has already been used, please use a new nonce.
11018"Invalid nonce date"First 10 digits of nonce must be a UTC sec timestamp within 1 hour of the true UTC timestamp.
11019"Open orders limit exceeded"Too many open orders for this subaccount.
11020"Negative ERC20 balance"Wrapped ERC20 balances cannot be negative.
11021"Instrument is not live"Instrument has either been deactivated or expired (if an Option)
11022"Reject timestamp exceeded"Order was rejected because it reached the engine after the supplied reject_timestamp.
11023"Max fee order param is too low"Max fee order param must always be >= 2 x max(taker, maker) x spot_price. If the order crosses the book, it must be >= 2 x max(taker, maker) x spot_price + base_fee / fill_amount.
11024"Reduce only not supported with this time in force"Reduce only orders have to be market orders or non-resting limit orders (IOC or FOK).
11025"Reduce only reject"A reduce-only order was rejected because it would have increased position size.
11026"Transfer reject"A transfer was rejected because it would have increased a subaccount position size.
11027"Subaccount undergoing liquidation"A trade or order was rejected because the subaccount is undergoing a liquidation.
11028"Replaced order filled amount does not match expected state."New create order was reverted as the filled amount of the old order does not match the expected filled amount.
11050"Trigger order was cancelled between the time worker sent order and engine processed order"Trigger order was not placed as it was cancelled right before entering engine
11051"Trigger price must be higher than the current price for stop orders and vice versa for take orders"Make sure the trigger price is properly set
11052"Trigger order limit exceeded (separate limit from regular orders)"Too many trigger orders for this subaccount.
11053"Index and last-trade trigger price types not supported yet"Only mark price is supported for now
11054"Trigger orders cannot replace or be replaced"Trigger orders cannot replace or be replaced
11100"Leg instruments are not unique"Leg provided in the RFQ or Quote parameter must not have repeated instrument names.
11101"RFQ not found"RFQ query or cancellation failed because nothing was found with the given filters.
11102"Quote not found"Quote query or cancellation failed because nothing was found with the given filters.
11103"Quote leg does not match RFQ leg"Legs provided in quote parameters must match the legs in the RFQ.
11104"Requested quote or RFQ is not open"Quote submission failed because the RFQ is either expired, filled or cancelled.
11105"Requested quote ID references a different RFQ ID"Quote execution failed because the RFQ ID parameter does not match the RFQ ID in the quote.
11106"Invalid RFQ counterparty"RFQ submission failed because the counterparty is not authorized to act as an RFQ maker or does not exist.
11107"Quote maker total cost too high"Quote submission failed because the maker total cost exceeded price bandwidth.
11200"Auction not ongoing"Supplied liquidated subaccount has no ongoing auction.
11201"Open orders not allowed"Bidding subaccount is not allowed to have open orders.
11202"Price limit exceeded"Supplied bid price limit is too low for this auction.
11203"Last trade ID mismatch"Liquidated subaccount has a different last trade ID.
12000"Asset not found"Requested asset does not exist.
12001"Instrument not found"Requested instrument does not exist.
12002"Currency not found"Requested currency does not exist.
12003"USDC does not have asset caps per manager"USDC does not have asset caps per manager
13000"Invalid channels"All channels in the subscribe request were invalid.
14000"Account not found"Requested wallet does not exist.
14001"Subaccount not found"Requested subaccount does not belong to a registered wallet.
14002"Subaccount was withdrawn"Requested subaccount was withdrawn. Please re-deposit subaccount.
14008"Cannot reduce expiry using registerSessionKey RPC route"Must use the deregisterSessionKey RPC route to reduce expiry.
14009"Session key expiry must be > utc_now + 10 min"Increase the expiry_sec.
14010"Session key already registered for this account"Requested session key is already registered for this account.
14011"Session key already registered with another account"Requested session key is already registered with another account.
14012"Address must be checksummed"Requested address must be checksumed
14013"String is not a valid ethereum address"String must be a valid ethereum address: e.g. 0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601
14014"Signature invalid for message or transaction"Address recovered from message and signature does not match the signer
14015"Transaction count for given wallet does not match provided nonce"Ensure the nonce is set correctly
14016"The provided signed raw transaction contains function name that does not match the expected function name"Ensure that the right contract abi was used when generating the transaction
14017"The provided signed raw transaction contains contract address that does not match the expected contract address"Ensure that the right contract address was used when generating the transaction
14018"The provided signed raw transaction contains function params that do not match any expected function params"Ensure that the right contract abi was used when generating the transaction
14019"The provided signed raw transaction contains function param values that do not match the expected values"Ensure that the signed function inputs match the ones provided in the request
14020"The X-LyraWallet header does not match the requested subaccount_id or wallet"Ensure the X-LyraWallet header is set to match the requested subaccount_id or wallet
14021"The X-LyraWallet header not provided"Ensure the X-LyraWallet header is included in the request
14022"Subscription to a private channel failed"A private channel is not authorized for this websocket connection, or it was requested over a public method
14023"Signer in on-chain related request is not wallet owner or registered session key"Address of the signer must be a wallet owner or registered session key
14024"Chain ID must match the current roll up chain id"Refer to v2-docs for chain id for each deployment
14025"The private request is missing a wallet or subaccount_id param"Ensure request params include a subaccount_id or wallet
14026"Session key not found"Requested session key does not exist.
14027"Unauthorized as RFQ maker"The account is not authorized to act as an RFQ maker.
14028"Cross currency RFQ not supported"RFQs only support same-currency legs at this moment.
14029"Session key IP not whitelisted"IP address of the request is not whitelisted for the session key.
14030"Session key expired"Session key has expired.
14031"Unauthorized key scope"The key scope provided does not meet the minimum required scope.
14032"Scope should not be changed"The key scope of the registered session key is not admin. It should not be elevated for security purposes
16000"You are in a restricted region that violates our terms of service."You are in a restricted region that violates our terms of service. You may withdraw funds any time but deposits, transfers, orders are blocked
16001"Account is disabled due to compliance violations, please contact support to enable it."Account is disabled due to compliance violations, please contact support to enable it.
16100"Sentinel authorization is invalid"The sentinel authorization is invalid
17000"This accoount does not have a shareable invite code"This accoount does not have a shareable invite code
17001"Invalid invite code"Invalid invite code
17002"Invite code already registered for this account"Invite code already registered for this account
17003"Invite code has no remaining uses"Invite code has no remaining uses
17004"Requirement for successful invite registration not met"Requirement for successful invite registration not met
17005"Account must register with a valid invite code to be elligible for points"Account must register with a valid invite code to be elligible for points
17006"Point program does not exist"Point program does not exist
17007"Invalid leaderboard page number"Invalid leaderboard page number
18000"Invalid block number"Invalid block number
18001"Failed to estimate block number. Please try again later."Failed to estimate block number. Please try again later.
18002"The provided smart contract owner does not match the wallet in LightAccountFactory.getAddress()"The provided smart contract owner does not match the wallet in LightAccountFactory.getAddress()
18003"Vault ERC20 asset does not exist"Vault ERC20 asset does not exist
18004"Vault ERC20 pool does not exist"Vault ERC20 pool does not exist
18005"Must add asset to pool before getting balances"Must add asset to pool before getting balances
18006"Invalid Swell season. Swell seasons are in the form 'swell_season_X'."Invalid Swell season. Swell seasons are in the form 'swell_season_X'.
18007"Vault not found"Vault not found