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Get Account

Method Name


Account details getter
Required minimum session key permission level is read_only


wallet string required
Ethereum wallet address of account


id string or integer required
result object required
result.cancel_on_disconnect boolean required
Whether cancel on disconnect is enabled for the account
result.is_rfq_maker boolean required
Whether account allowed to market make RFQs
result.wallet string required
Ethereum wallet address
result.websocket_matching_tps integer required
Max transactions per second for matching requests over websocket (see Rate Limiting in docs)
result.websocket_non_matching_tps integer required
Max transactions per second for non-matching requests over websocket (see Rate Limiting in docs)
result.websocket_option_tps integer required
Max transactions per second for EACH option instrument over websocket (see Rate Limiting in docs)
result.websocket_perp_tps integer required
Max transactions per second for EACH perp instrument over websocket (see Rate Limiting in docs)
result.fee_info object required
Fee information for the account
result.fee_info.base_fee_discount string required
Base fee discount
result.fee_info.option_maker_fee string or null required
Option maker fee - uses default instrument fee rate if None
result.fee_info.option_taker_fee string or null required
Option taker fee - uses default instrument fee rate if None
result.fee_info.perp_maker_fee string or null required
Perp maker fee - uses default instrument fee rate if None
result.fee_info.perp_taker_fee string or null required
Perp taker fee - uses default instrument fee rate if None
result.fee_info.rfq_maker_discount string required
RFQ maker fee discount
result.fee_info.rfq_taker_discount string required
RFQ taker fee discount
result.fee_info.spot_maker_fee string or null required
Spot maker fee - uses default instrument fee rate if None
result.fee_info.spot_taker_fee string or null required
Spot taker fee - uses default instrument fee rate if None
result.per_endpoint_tps object required
If a particular endpoint has a different max TPS, it will be specified here
result.subaccount_ids array of integers required
List of subaccount_ids owned by the wallet in SubAccounts.sol



The above command returns JSON structured like this:
