API Reference

(Wallet) Rfqs

Channel Name Schema


Subscribe to RFQs directed to a given wallet.

Channel Parameters

wallet string required
Account (wallet) of RFQ market maker

Notification Data

channel string required
Subscribed channel name
data array of objects required
data[].cancel_reason string required
Cancel reason, if any
enum user_request insufficient_margin signed_max_fee_too_low mmp_trigger cancel_on_disconnect session_key_deregistered subaccount_withdrawn rfq_no_longer_open compliance
data[].creation_timestamp integer required
Creation timestamp in ms since Unix epoch
data[].filled_direction string or null required
Direction at which the RFQ was filled (only if filled)
enum buy sell
data[].last_update_timestamp integer required
Last update timestamp in ms since Unix epoch
data[].rfq_id string required
data[].status string required
enum open filled cancelled expired
data[].subaccount_id integer required
Subaccount ID
data[].total_cost string or null required
Total cost for the RFQ (only if filled)
data[].valid_until integer required
RFQ expiry timestamp in ms since Unix epoch
data[].legs array of objects required
RFQ legs
data[].legs[].amount string required
Amount in units of the base
data[].legs[].direction string required
Leg direction
enum buy sell
data[].legs[].instrument_name string required
Instrument name


Subscriptions are only available via websockets.


Notification messages on this channel will look like this:
