API Reference

Cancel Quote

Method Name


Cancels an open quote.
Required minimum session key permission level is admin


quote_id string required
Quote ID to cancel
subaccount_id integer required
Subaccount ID


id string or integer required
result object required
result.cancel_reason string required
Cancel reason, if any
enum user_request insufficient_margin signed_max_fee_too_low mmp_trigger cancel_on_disconnect session_key_deregistered subaccount_withdrawn rfq_no_longer_open compliance
result.creation_timestamp integer required
Creation timestamp in ms since Unix epoch
result.direction string required
Quote direction
enum buy sell
result.fee string required
Fee paid for this quote (if executed)
result.is_transfer boolean required
Whether the order was generated through private/transfer_position
result.label string required
User-defined label, if any
result.last_update_timestamp integer required
Last update timestamp in ms since Unix epoch
result.legs_hash string required
Hash of the legs of the best quote to be signed by the taker.
result.liquidity_role string required
Liquidity role
enum maker taker
result.max_fee string required
Signed max fee
result.mmp boolean required
Whether the quote is tagged for market maker protections (default false)
result.nonce integer required
result.quote_id string required
Quote ID
result.rfq_id string required
result.signature string required
Ethereum signature of the quote
result.signature_expiry_sec integer required
Unix timestamp in seconds
result.signer string required
Owner wallet address or registered session key that signed the quote
result.status string required
enum open filled cancelled expired
result.subaccount_id integer required
Subaccount ID
result.tx_hash string or null required
Blockchain transaction hash (only for executed quotes)
result.tx_status string or null required
Blockchain transaction status (only for executed quotes)
enum requested pending settled reverted ignored timed_out
result.legs array of objects required
Quote legs
result.legs[].amount string required
Amount in units of the base
result.legs[].direction string required
Leg direction
enum buy sell
result.legs[].instrument_name string required
Instrument name
result.legs[].price string required
Leg price



The above command returns JSON structured like this:
