API Reference

Execute Quote Debug

Method Name


Sends a quote in response to an RFQ request.
The legs supplied in the parameters must exactly match those in the RFQ.


direction string required
Quote direction, buy means trading each leg at its direction, sell means trading each leg in the opposite direction.
enum buy sell
max_fee string required
Max fee ($ for the full trade). Request will be rejected if the supplied max fee is below the estimated fee for this trade.
nonce integer required
Unique nonce defined as a concatenated UTC timestamp in ms and random number up to 6 digits (e.g. 1695836058725001, where 001 is the random number)
quote_id string required
Quote ID to execute against
rfq_id string required
RFQ ID to execute (must be sent by subaccount_id)
signature string required
Ethereum signature of the quote
signature_expiry_sec integer required
Unix timestamp in seconds. Expiry MUST be at least 310 seconds from now. Once time till signature expiry reaches 300 seconds, the quote will be considered expired. This buffer is meant to ensure the trade can settle on chain in case of a blockchain congestion.
signer string required
Owner wallet address or registered session key that signed the quote
subaccount_id integer required
Subaccount ID
legs array of objects required
Quote legs
legs[].amount string required
Amount in units of the base
legs[].direction string required
Leg direction
enum buy sell
legs[].instrument_name string required
Instrument name
legs[].price string required
Leg price
label string
Optional user-defined label for the quote


id string or integer required
result object required
result.action_hash string required
Keccak hashed action data
result.encoded_data string required
ABI encoded deposit data
result.encoded_data_hashed string required
Keccak hashed encoded_data
result.encoded_legs string required
ABI encoded legs data
result.legs_hash string required
Keccak hashed legs data
result.typed_data_hash string required
EIP 712 typed data hash



The above command returns JSON structured like this:
