
Manage Session Keys

Refer to the "Session Keys" section in the "API Reference" for more information on the nature of session keys.

Register via API

To avoid the overhead of managing a connection to the Derive Rollup via RPC, you can submit session key registration and deregistration directly through the orderbook. Transaction cost is still paid by the signer.

NOTE Need to wait up to a minute after tx submission for the API to allow session key usage.

let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY as string, provider);
let newSessionKey = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
let expirySec = / 1000 + 3600 // valid for 1hr

// get API to build unsigned tx
const buildTxResponse = await axios.request<R>({
    wallet: wallet.address,
    public_session_key: newSessionKey.address,
    expiry_sec: expirySec, 
    nonce: await wallet.getNonce(),
    gas: ethers.toBigInt(5000000),

// API submits tx on-chain
const registerResponse = await axios.request<R>({
    wallet: wallet.address,
    label: 'my_label',
    public_session_key: newSessionKey.address,
    expiry_sec: expirySec, // 1 hour
    signed_raw_tx: await wallet.signTransaction(

The same flow can be used with the public/deregister_session_key endpoint to delete a session key.

Register Directly On-chain

let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY as string, provider);
let newSessionKey = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
let expirySec = / 1000 + 3600 // valid for 1hr
let matchingABI = ["function registerSessionKey(address toAllow, uint256 expiry)"] 

const matchingContract = new ethers.Contract(

let tx = await matching.connect(wallet).registerSessionKey.(
  newSessionKey.address, expirySec

Deregister Directly On-chain

Once the transaction is submitted, the session key becomes unusable after a 10 minute cooldown period

let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY as string, provider);
let newSessionKey = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
let expirySec = / 1000 + 3600 // valid for 1hr
let matchingABI = ["function deregisterSessionKey(address sessionKey)"] 

const matchingContract = new ethers.Contract(

let tx = await matching.connect(wallet).deregisterSessionKey.(