API Reference

Estimate Integrator Points

Method Name


Get all estimated points for EigenLayer, Swell, and EtherFi integrators.


integrator string required
Integrator token to estimate points for.
enum swell etherfi kelp pendle ethena symbiotic eigenlayer lombard babylon linea scroll karak tulipa
wallet string required
Account wallet address of the user (not smart contract owner).


id string or integer required
result object required
result.eigenlayer_points string required
Deprecated please use points_per_integrator instead. Estimated amount of EigenLayer points earned for current season.
result.eigenlayer_points_across_all_seasons string required
Deprecated please use points_per_integrator instead.Estimated amount of user EigenLayer points earned across all seasons.
result.percent_share_of_points string required
Percentage of total points earned by user for integrator for current season.
result.points string required
Deprecated please use points_per_integrator instead. Estimated amount of integrator points earned for current season.
result.points_across_all_seasons string required
Deprecated please use points_per_integrator instead. Estimated amount of user integrator points earned across all seasons.
result.total_eigenlayer_points string required
Deprecated please use points_per_integrator instead. Total EigenLayer points for all users for current season.
result.total_points string required
Deprecated please use points_per_integrator instead. Total points for all users for current season.
result.points_per_integrator object required
Total points for all users for all integrators for current season.
result.total_balance_hours_by_bridge object required
Total balance hours by bridge for current season.



The above command returns JSON structured like this:
