Portfolio Margin
To compute portfolio margin, the portfolio is first evaluated at various forward and volatility shocks and the greatest market loss is selected. Extra contingency margin is added to account for risk factors not captured by the shocks. Compared to standard margin, this can substantially reduce a portfolio’s margin requirement.
However, portfolio margin does not support cross-market margin, meaning each portfolio margin account can only support derivates/base asset corresponding to one underlying asset which we call the denominated base asset. For example, an ETH portfolio margin account can only open ETH options and perpetuals and can only use ETH as base collateral, in addition to the usual USDC.
If a portfolio margin account's collateral falls below its maintenance margin requirement, the account will be liquidated. See Liquidations for more details.
Portfolio margin does not support cross-market margin, meaning unlike standard margin, there is only one denominated base asset that can be used as collateral in a portfolio.
Margin Calculation
A user's initial and maintenance margin requirements are calculated as follows.
Initial Margin = Portfolio MtM +
+ (mfactor + Depeg Contingency)
* (min(maxLoss, Forward Contingency) + Asset Contingency) + Oracle Contingency
Maintenance Margin = Portfolio MtM +
+ min(maxLoss, Forward Contingency) + Asset Contingency
Portfolio MtM
is the mark-to-market value of the portfolio (includes all perpetual funding/PNL). This includes the account's USDC balance and all base assets (marked to their current value). Note options are marked with a discounting of 1.0.mFactor = 1.25
is a scaling of the maximum loss and associated contingencies used to compute initial margin.Depeg Contingency
is extra initial margin conditionally required to protect against USDC depegging.maxLoss
is the maximum loss the portfolio will endure under 23 scenarios comprised of various forward and volatility shocks.Forward Contingency
accounts for the forward basis for each expiry moving unfavourably against the trader.Asset Contingency
is extra margin applied to options, perpetual and base assets held in the account.Oracle Contingency
is extra initial margin conditionally required to protect against inaccurate oracle data feeds.
Oracle Contingencies are typically zero and only add to initial margin requirements, i.e. they do not change margin requirements for already open positions, but may block opening new positions.
As described in Standard Margin, an account is subject to liquidation if Maintenance Margin
falls beneath 0 and can only open new positions if the final state has Initial Margin
above 0.
To compute maxLoss
, the portfolio’s options, perpetual and base assets are evaluated under 23 forward and volatility shocks. The largest loss is set to maxLoss
and potentially used to define the account's margin requirement.
The scenarios are comprised of all spot shocks from -18% to +18%, increasing in steps of 4.5%. Up/down/static vol shocks for all scenarios between (and inclusive of) -13.5% and +13.5%. Only volatility increasing scenarios are used for +18% and -18%. See Portfolio Margin Parameters for an explicit table.
The magnitude of these shocks is explained below.
Shocked Base Value
The account’s base collateral value is shocked by a constant factor under scenario k
Shocked Base Valueₖ = Base * (1 + Spot Shockₖ) * Spot
is the balance of the account's denominated base asset.Spot Shockₖ
is the shock to the spot price for scenariok
is the spot price of the underlying base asset.
Shocked Perpetual Value
The account’s perpetual position value is shocked by a constant factor under scenario k
Shocked Perp Valueₖ = Perp Position * (1 + Spot Shockₖ) * Perp Price
Perp Position
is the number of perpetual contracts (this number is negative for shorts).Spot Shockₖ
is the shock to the spot price for scenariok
.Perp Price
is the mark-to-market value of the perpetual.
Shocked Option Value
The account’s option positions are grouped and shocked per expiry. Each expiry i
is evaluated for a given shock scenario k
. The shocked value for an expiry i
is the value of each option position with strike price j
calculated with shocked forward and volatility values.
The forward is shocked to:
Shocked Forwardᵢₖ = Forwardᵢ * (1 + Spot Shockₖ)
is the forward price of expiryi
.Spot Shockₖ
is the shock multiplier for scenariok
The IV shock is multiplicative. The magnitude of the shock depends on time to expiry and whether or not the shock is positive or negative. We have:
Shocked IVⱼₖ = IV Shockₖ * IVⱼ
IV Shockₖ = 1 + VOL_RANGE * ((30 / 365) / max(1 / 365, Time To Expiryᵢ))**VEGA_POWER
is the implied volatility of strikej
.Time To Expiry
is the number of years until expiry.VOL_RANGE = -0.275
if IV is being shocked down.VOL_RANGE = 0.5
if IV is being shocked up.VEGA_POWER = 0.3
if time to expiry < 30 days.VEGA_POWER = 0.13
if time to expiry > 30 days.
A discount is applied to the options expiry when its net value is positive (else it defaults to 1.0):
Discountᵢₖ =
Expiry Value > 0: exp(-(Interest Rateᵢ * RATE_PARAM_1 + RATE_PARAM_2) * Time To Expiry)
Expiry Value < 0: 1.0
Interest Rate
is the risk free rate for an expiry.Time To Expiry
is the number of years until expiry.RATE_PARAM_1 = 1.0
.RATE_PARAM_2 = 0.12
Finally, an expiry group’s shocked value is calculated by summing the mark-to-market value of each option for an expiry using Black76, with the applied discount:
Shocked Expiry Valueᵢₖ = Σ Shocked Option Valueⱼₖ x Discountᵢₖ
Scenario Analysis
The portfolio’s loss under scenario k
is then the sum of perpetual, base and each expiry’s value minus its shocked value:
Portfolio Value = Base Value + Perp Value + Σ Expiry Valueᵢ
Portfolio Shocked Valueₖ = Shocked Base Valueₖ + Shocked Perp Valueₖ + Σ Shocked Expiry Valueᵢₖ
Portfolio Lossₖ = Portfolio Shocked Valueₖ - Portfolio Value
Base Value
is the mark value of the account's base balance.Perp Value
is the mark value of the account's perpetual position.Expiry Valueᵢ
is the mark-to-market value of the account's option positions with expiryi
.Shocked Base Valueₖ
is the shocked value of the account's base balance for scenariok
Shocked Perp Valueₖ
is the shocked value of the account's perpetual position for scenariok
Shocked Expiry Valueᵢₖ
is the shocked mark-to-market value of the account's option positions with expiryi
under shock scenariok
maxLoss is then the smallest (i.e. most negative) portfolio loss under all 23 scenarios:
maxLoss = min(Portfolio Loss(1), Portfolio Loss(2), ..., Portfolio Loss(23))
Forward Contingency
The forward contingency accounts for the forward basis for an account’s options moving unfavourably against the trader.
We consider an up and down scenario where spot goes up or down 5%. For each expiry i
, we calculate the basis loss, or the max loss of the up and down scenario for each expiry’s option positions:
Basis Lossᵢ = min(
min(0, Up Expiry Valueᵢ - Expiry Valueᵢ),
min(0, Down Expiry Valueᵢ - Expiry Valueᵢ)
Expiry Valueᵢ
is the mark-to-market value of positions in expiryi
.Up Expiry Valueᵢ
is the mark-to-market value of positions in expiryi
under the up scenario (5% increase in spot).Down Expiry Valueᵢ
is the mark-to-market value of positions in expiryi
under the down scenario (5% decrease in spot).
The forward contingency is then the sum of each expiry’s basis loss:
Forward Contingency = Σ (ADD_FACTOR + MULT_FACTOR * Time To Expiryᵢ) * Basis Lossᵢ
.Time To Expiryᵢ
is the number of years until expiry.
Asset Contingency
Asset contingency is three small components of margin required for base, perpetual and option positions held in the account:
Asset Contingency = Base Contingency + Perp Contingency + Option Contingency
Base Contingency
The account's base asset has a small margin associated with it, based on the base balance and spot price.
Base Contingency = - Base * BASE_FACTOR * Spot
is the balance of the account's denominated base asset.Spot
is the spot price of the underlying base asset.BASE_FACTOR = 0.03
Perp Contingency
The account's perpetual position has a small amount of margin associated with it, based on the number of perpetual contracts and spot price:
Perp Contingency = -abs(Perp Size) * PERP_FACTOR * Spot
Perp Size
is the number of perpetual contracts (this number is negative for shorts).PERP_FACTOR = 0.03
is the spot price of the underlying base asset.
Option Contingency
For each short option j
in the portfolio, a small amount of margin is associated with it based on the number of short contracts and a small percentage of the spot price:
Option Contingency = Σ min(0, Option Sizeⱼ) x OPTION_FACTOR x Spot
Option Sizeⱼ
is the number of option contracts held for expiryi
and strikej
(this number is negative for shorts).OPTION_FACTOR = 0.015
is the spot price of the underlying base asset.
Oracle Contingency
This is the same as standard margin oracle contingency, with the exception that Option Oracle Contingency counts the total (absolute value of the) number of long and short options contracts on a given strike, not just the number of short options contracts:
Option Oracle Contingency = - CONFIDENCE_SCALE * Options Size * Spot
* (1 - min(Spot Confidence, Forward Confidence, Vol Confidence))
Where Options Size
is the total number of long and short options contracts for a given strike/expiry. For example, if there are 4 long calls and 3 short puts on the $2000 3 weekly strike, then Options Size = 4 + 3 = 7
Depeg Contingency
When USDC depegs from $1, the value of mFactor
will increase, proportional to the magnitude of the depeg. Specifically, we have
mFactor = mFactor + max(0, 0.99 - USDC Price) * PEG_FACTOR
is the current price of USDC (measured in USD).
Open Interest Caps
The portfolio margin manager has a cap on the open interest of all instruments it supports. Namely:
- (ETH, BTC) = (750, 15) base asset
- (ETH, BTC) = (2,000,000, 100,000) options
- (ETH, BTC) = (250,000, 12,000) perpetual contracts
These bounds can be adjusted as necessary over time. A low amount of base asset is set due to limited functionality of this instrument at launch. This will be raised when a spot market is available.
Risk Reducing Trades and Risk Assessors
As is the case with the standard manager, on the smart contract level, the portfolio margin risk manager will allow any trade to be conducted so long as it satisfies either of the following conditions:
- the initial margin of the portfolio after the transaction is conducted is positive (
IM(post) > 0
) OR - the trade is risk reducing (see the description in Standard Margin).
A subtle but key difference is that closing perpetual positions for portfolio margined accounts is not considered a risk reducing transaction. This is because perpetuals could act as a delta hedge and so removing these positions might increase the risk of the portfolio.
As with the standard manager, the portfolio margin manager will also support risk assessors. In addition to the aforementioned benefits of allowing general risk reducing trades, risk assessors are necessary because computing all scenarios for portfolio margin on chain is expensive.
In order to minimise such gas costs and offer traders large portfolio margined accounts, risk assessors only have to compute 3 scenarios on chain: the "mark-to-market" (mtm) scenario (where spot and vol are static) and the two scenarios used to compute the basis contingency (see below).
This means that the risk assessors cannot allow insolvent positions to be opened.
They can, however, allow liquidatable positions to be opened.
Consider an account comprised of the following:
- 1 x LONG ETH $1800 CALL (IV = 60%)
- 1 x SHORT ETH $1700 PUT (IV = 65%)
- 700 USDC
where both options have the same expiry (2 weeks) and the corresponding forward is marked at $1740. Assume the risk free rate is r = 4%
and the spot price of ETH is $1735.
There are 23 scenarios under which the portfolio is evaluated, these are shown in the table below. Let’s explain how to compute the maxLoss
Consider scenario 1, where the forward increases by 18% and the volatility increases. For the former, this results in the portfolio being marked to
Forward = 1740 x 1.18 = 2053.2
To find the shocked volatilities, we know
shocked IV = IV shock x IV
IV shock = 1 + VOL_RANGE x ((30 / 365) / Time To Expiry))**VEGA_POWER
Since VOL_RANGE = 0.50
, Time To Expiry = 14/365
and VEGA_POWER = 0.30
, we have:
IV shock = 1 + 0.50 x ((30 / 365) / (14 / 365))**0.3 = 1.628
I.e. the volatility is increased by 62.8% (this is multiplicative).
Hence, the shocked volatilities are:
shocked IV(1800 strike) = 0.6 * 1.628 = 0.9768
shocked IV(1700 strike) = 0.65 * 1.628 = 1.0582
Using these values, we have:
Mark Price(1800 call) = Call(0.6, 1800, 1740, 0.04, 14/365) = 56.27
Mark Price(1800 call, shocked) = Call(0.9768, 1800, 2088, 0.04, 14/365) = 333.875
Mark Price(1700 SHORT put) = -Put(0.65, 1700, 1740, 0.04, 14/365) = -68.6377
Mark Price(1700 SHORT put, shocked) = -Put(1.0582, 1700, 2088, 0.04, 14/365) = -32.8701
PNL(1800 shocked call) = 333.875 - 56.27 = 277.605
PNL(1700 shocked put) = -32.8701 - (-68.64) = 35.7699
Total undiscounted PNL (2 week expiry) = 277.605 + (35.7699) = +313.375
Next, we compute the discount for the 2 week expiry; since the total PNL of the expiry is positive (i.e. it profits from this shock), a discount is applied. The discount is computed as:
Discount(2 week expiry) = 0.95 * exp(-(1 * 0.04 * 14 / 365 + 0.12)) = 0.841283
So the final discounted PNL is:
Discounted Total PNL(2 week) = 0.841283 * 313.375 = 263.637
In the table below, we repeat this methodology for all 24 other scenarios. From the table, we obtain:
maxLoss = min(PortfolioLoss(shock k)) = -263.536
Now, we compute the forward contingency. Using the scenarios in bold, we have:
Up Losses = [min(0, 60.1447)] = 0
Down Losses = [min(0, -59.2353)] = -59.2353
Forward Contingency = (0.5 + 2.0 * 14/365) * (-59.2353) = -34.1617
As for the other contingencies, the portfolio contains no perpetual or base asset, so the perpetual and base contingencies are both zero.
We now compute the option contingency. The 2 week expiry has a single short option on the 1700 strike, so the option contingency is:
Option Contingency = -0.015 x 1735 x 1 = --26.025
Finally, we compute:
Portfolio MtM = USDC Balance + -mtm(1700 PUT) + mtm(1800 CALL) = 700 + -68.743 + 56.3514 = 687.608
Combining all of this, we have
Maintenance Margin = 687.608 + 1.0 * (-34.7 + min(-34.1617, -263.536)) = 389.372
Next, let’s address the initial margin. To add some complexity, let’s assume:
- The confidence in the 2 weekly forward is 0.49 and
- USDC depegs to 0.77.
We now need to compute the oracle contingency and change to the initial margin factor.
For the former, we have:
Option Confidence Margin = -1.0 * (1+1) * 1735 * (1-0.49) = -1769.7
Next, since USDC has depegged, we find:
mfactor += max(0, 0.99 -0.77) * 4.0 = 1.25 + 0.88 = 2.13
Hence, we have:
Initial Margin = 687.608 + 2.13 * (-34.7 + min(-61.9617, -263.536)) - 1769.7 = -1717.33
Scenario | Forward Shock | Vol Shock | $1800 Call PNL | $1700 Put PNL | Total (Discounted) PNL |
1 | +18% | Up | 286.225 | 28.1772 | 264.501 |
2 | +13.5% | Up | 219.856 | 13.0125 | 195.908 |
3 | +13.5% | Unchanged | 166.73 | 57.5317 | 188.668 |
4 | +13.5% | Down | 149.017 | 67.5717 | 182.211 |
5 | +9% | Up | 159.528 | -6.89254 | 128.409 |
6 | +9% | Unchanged | 99.1002 | 46.9334 | 122.856 |
7 | +9% | Down | 72.7765 | 64.4081 | 115.408 |
8 | +4.5% | Up | 106.237 | -32.5345 | 62.0045 |
9 | +4.5% | Unchanged | 42.7296 | 28.762, | 60.1447 |
10 | +4.5% | Down | 11.1749 | 54.8482 | 55.5394 |
11 | 0 | Up | 60.8026 | -64.8907 | -3.43923 |
12 | 0 | Unchanged | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | 0 | Down | -29.1825 | 31.9727 | 2.34315 |
14 | -4.5% | Up | 23.7198 | -104.805 | -68.2159 |
15 | -4.5% | Unchanged | -28.581 | -41.8297 | -59.2353 |
16 | -4.5% | Down | -48.6523 | -11.0417 | -50.2219 |
17 | -9% | Up | -4.97608 | -152.853 | -132.779 |
18 | -9% | Unchanged | -44.8853 | -97.6136 | -119.882 |
19 | -9% | Down | -54.9171 | -75.2099 | -109.474 |
20 | -13.5% | Up | -25.7886 | -209.201 | -197.693 |
21 | -13.5% | Unchanged | -52.5187 | -166.001 | -183.837 |
22 | -13.5% | Down | -56.1314 | -154.022 | -176.799 |
23 | -18% | Up | -39.7424 | -273.512 | -263.536 |
Updated 30 days ago